NURSING 3TT3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Itch, Steel-Toe Boot, Sunburn

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Document Summary

The experience of life after burn injury: a new bodily awareness. Advances in burn care have resulted in decreased mortality, and more people with massive burns are surviving. In spite of multidisciplinary and high-quality acute care and follow-up, burn survivors frequently have cosmetic and functional impairments that can never be completely corrected. Qualitative studies may add significantly to our understanding of the implications and meanings of the injury as experienced by the people who have experienced a burn. Although people who have sustained burn injury seem to adjust rather well with time, many experience impairments in several aspects of life when compared with the general population. This includes restrictions in range of movement, as well as problems with appearance, mental functioning, and work. Extent of body surface area burned, presence of full thickness injury, impaired hand function, and increased levels of psychological burden have been identified as threats to health and functioning.