NURSING 3PA2 Midterm: Alterations in Reproductive Function Module Summary

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Sexual differentiation of embryo occurs around 7th week of gestation, determine by sex chromosome . Sry protein on the y chromosome for male is testes determining factor. In females, without exposure to this protein, will develop the vagina, uterus and fallopian tubes otherwise known as the mullerian ducts. Ovaries produce secondary oocytes and hormones. Primary oocytes are in the ovaries of female newborn at birth. Secondary oocytes are formed after puberty once a month at ovulation. Uterine or fallopian tubes transport secondary oocytes to uterus, sites of fertilization. Uterus site of implantation for fertilized ovum and site where fetus develops during pregnancy. Vagina receptacle for sperm during intercourse and also the passageway for childbirth. Puberty hypothalamic neurosecretory cells release gonadotropin releasing hormone (gnrh) (cid:271)i(cid:374)ds to a(cid:374)terior pituitar(cid:455)"s (cid:272)ells (cid:272)alled go(cid:374)adotrops increases secretion of follicular stimulating hormone (fsh) and luteinizing hormone (lh) Fsh growth of follicles of ovaries to produce estrogen, progesterone, and inhibin.