PHILOS 1B03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Advantageous, Jeremy Waldron, Distributive Justice

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Faction: a group of individuals united by a common interest that is contrary to the interest of society as a whole and is adverse to the rights of other citizens (107) Democracy and faction: since democracy involves the will of the people, and since people are inclined to associate together over shared passions, there is little that democracy per se can do to stop the causes of faction. Solutions to the problem of faction: remove causes or control effects: remove causes. Either a) by destroying the liberty making it possible. Or: by giving everyone the same opinions, passions, and interests. Neither (a): because the remedy is worse than the disease" (107) Nor (b): because different opinions will always be formed according to individual experience and interest: control effects. If the faction is a minority its effects are controlled by the republican principle: Legislators vote for those policies that will preserve individual rights against those who seek their destruction.