PHYSICS 1L03 Final: unit-4-energy-transformations-test-review-lg

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Evaluate the impact on society and the environment of energy-transformation technologies, and propose ways to improve the sustainability of one such technology; Investigate energy transformations and the law of conservation of energy, and solve related problems; Demonstrate an understanding of diverse forms of energy, energy transformations, and efficiency: energy forms. Write energy transformation equations given a scenario: work - transfer of energy. Positive work - increases or adds energy to a system. Negative work - decreases or removes energy froma system. Work is calculated for individual forces, not fnet. 3 cases when w = 0: be able to identify these: energy - ability to do work dfw (a) elastic potential energy energy stored in a stretched or compressed elastic object. F kx (b) kinetic energy - energy of motion. 2 (c) gravitational potential energy - stored energy relative to a particular reference position. E g hmg (d) mechanical energy sum of kinetic and gravitational potential energy.