PNB 2XB3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Gaba Receptor, Nernst Equation, Thermoreceptor

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Contralaterality: when an action on one side is received by the other side (ex. Moving my right hand requires my left brain) Ion transporter: shuttles ions across membrane, against the gradient, atp. Ion channels: receives ions with selected permeability, atp. Exchangers: passive, do not require atp to function. All senses and emotions happen in the brain! Sodium, potassium, calcium and chloride are the most important ions in neuro-electrical activity. Membrane impermeable to ions unless using a pump. Axon hillock: where axon attatches to cell body; ap needs to reach threshold for ap. Takes a few milliseconds, therefore there is a delay between. Saltitory conduction: na+ comes through node, pushes k+ to next node (myelinated axons not as smooth as non-myelinated axons) Exocytosis: neurotransmitters leaving the terminals of the synaptic bouton. Ca++ binds to the synaptotagmin, which has a calcium sensor. Lets na+ in (some also leaks out) Hyperpolarizes (negative charge) = ipsp b/c less likely to fire.