[POLSCI 1G06] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (45 pages long)

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Js mill discussion imagine that you and your group are advisory committee for the president decision to allow whether the speaker should be granted permission to speak advocate for recriminalization of abortion will include encourage debate. John locke - government is there to protect our rights, and protect things we want protected and if not ful lled then we have the right to overthrow that government. Economic liberalism free market should rule di erent types of liberal economic models. Imf world bank adopted neoliberal policies countries to borrow money were forced to privatize and open their markets. 2008 market downturn opened the debate again more - however the debate was still amongst liberals: classical v. reform (video: kaynes vs. hayek rap - http://econstories. tv/fear-the-boom-and-bust/) Js mill - on liberty and his liberal theories a justi cation for liberty in thought and action: