[PSYCH 1X03] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (12 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Construct a theory: collect a general set of ideas about the way the world works: must be testable in order to be scientific theory. Generate hypothesis: form testable statement guided by theories that make predictions about relationship b/w variables. Choose research method: determine way in which hypothesis will be tested: must be reliable (gives same output when same input is entered) and valid (construct validity, ability of test to measure what we intend to measure) Collect data: take measurements of outcomes of the test. Analyze data: understand data and discover trends b/w variables. Report the findings: publish articles in scholarly journals. Revise existing theories: incorporate new info into our understanding of the world. Anecdotal evidence: evidence gathered from others or self experience: insufficient to draw scientific conclusions b/c single experience might not be representative, person experience might not represent others, cannot be sure result is due to independent variable alone.