PSYCH 1X03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Descriptive Statistics, Endocrine System, Empiricism

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11 Dec 2012

Document Summary

Modern study of psychology extends to a wide range of disciplines including: neurobiology, sociology, physics, genetics, medicine, economics, chemistry, and anthropology. Psychology is the study of mind and behavior. By mind it is referring to all mental processes and subjective experiences that make up your sensations, perceptions, memories, thoughts, motives, and emotions. By behavior it is referring to all your observable actions. Psychology uses scientific method to answer questions through the systematic collection and analysis of data. The greek root words psyche , meaning the soul, and logos , which refers to the study of a field, form the base of the term psychology. Hermann ebbinghaus (early researcher in field of psychology), who in 1908 succinctly summarized psychology"s development thusly psychology has a long past, but only a short history . Historians of psychology point to the classic works of greek philosophers such as socrates, plato, Aristotle, and hippocrates as a starting point for formally exploring issues in psychological thought.