PSYCH 1X03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Paradigm Shift, American Sign Language, Dishabituation

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Document Summary

> the scienti c method provides a seven step recipe for how to collect and analyze information while trying to minimize biases, con icts, or oversights: construct a theory. Theory: a general set of ideas about the way the world works: generate a hypothesis. Hypothesis: a testable statement guided by theories that make speci c predictions about the relationship between variables involved in the theory: choose a research method. Research method: the way in which the hypothesis will be tested: collect data. Collecting data: taking measurements of the outcomes of the test: analyze data. Analyzing data: understanding the data and discovering trends or relationships between the variables: report the ndings. Report ndings: publish articles in scholarly journals: revise existing theories. Revise theories: to include new information into our understanding of the world. > scientists begin by studying the existing collection of information about the world, such as previous work published by other scientists.