PSYCH 1X03 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Critical Role, Donald Broadbent, Colin Cherry

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Document Summary

Although we may understand the phenomenon of attention in an informal sense, we are also now quite familiar with the idea that as psychologists we need to operationally define the problem to build. Cognitive models and design experiments with testable hypotheses. William james wrote about the topic of attention. Selection: the act of attending to an object to select it apart from the unattended objects. Some stimuli in the environment can trigger your attention in an automatic fashion. Example: if a light flashes in your periphery, as one just did, you can"t help but have your attention drawn to it. When irrelevant information overwhelms us, we get distracted. Automatic and controlled processes influence the attention in different ways. Our attentional resources are limited and must be controlled carefully. This shows that it"s difficult to consciously attend too many aspects of the task-environment at the same time b/c the resources for controlled processes are limited.