PSYCH 1X03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Speech Segmentation, Phoneme, Unit

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Regular: rules and grammar able to be reorganized. Arbitrary: sound doesn"t describe the word (cat doesn"t describe what word is) Productive: no limit to combining words to describe anything limit to sounds and combos of words. Symbolic: diff words mean diff things in diff cultures (culturally defined) Rule governed: each combo has rules which make language make sense. Language influences our thoughts & the way we perceive the world. Evidence: cultures only have words for 1, 2 many (many could be 3-99 which couldn"t be understood) lacks words to distinguish. Counter evidence: one word for older male relative but can distinguish between them all (uncle, grandfather) Some have one word for each relative (korean) Morphemes: smallest unit which can convey information (table)(cloth) = 2 (table)(s) = 2 (s gives indication of multiple) /d/o/g/ /ch/ai/r k/v/t many other languages but not english. Rules that control how sentences are put together (grammer) Could have perfect syntax but not sematic meaning.