PSYCH 1XX3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Sexual Selection, Homicide, Psych

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Marshmallow test (high restraint and low restraint have long term consequences in your future. Newborn babies show a preference for faces over other stimuli (given a card with a configuration of a face, and one that was not. Shortly after birth babies looked at the card with a face, this shows an innate preference) We cannot make super babies (myth about adding more stimulation to babies make them smarter, like the mozart experiment. The idea came from bringing people from less up to more. ) Sexual selection and male voice pitch (peacock tails are harmful to the male, even though they help for sexual selection. In human males, males with deeper voices are more attractive. In the lone society they studied the deeper mitched male voices have more children. Increase testosterone increase immune response, but decrease in sperm. ) Preference for maternal grandmother (because she has the highest probably of being related to us.