PSYCH 2B03 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Extraversion And Introversion, Midlife Crisis, Defecation

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** all the stages had changing use of libido. Oral incorporative - fixation at early oral stage. After 5 years, more energy directed towards sexual activity. Generally involves pleasure in "taking in" or incorporating. Dealing with anxiety by resorting to sucking thumb or smoking or drinking. Oral aggressive - fixation at later oral stage. Aggressive orality, nibbling/biting/ fantasies of bondage/ chew loudly/finger nail biter/ talks a good deal/ likes to argue/ politician/ supervisor/standup comedian. Libidinal energy directed towards vocation, marriage, child- rearing, life development oriented. Adult type = obedient, obsessed with order, (anti) chaotic. Anal expulsive - fixation at early anal stage. A giving person, find doing social work, entertainment. Anal retentive - fixation at later anal stage. Orderliness and cleanliness, obstinacy - clinging to one"s opinion, parsimony and stinginess - greedy, emotionally constipated, a hoarder. Have established career, status in community, raised a family. Sexual behavior displaced to substitute activities (learning or playing)