PSYCH 2NF3- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 30 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Concussion is only a mild form of traumatic brain injury (tbi) Executive function: mental skill related to attention, memory, everyday problem-solving and multitasking. Brain theory: brain is the source of behaviour. Neuron theory: the idea that the unit of brain structure and function is the neuron. Cushions the brain and assists in removing metabolic waste. Lateral fissure: divides each hemisphere in half. Brain stem mediates regulatory functions such as eating, drinking, moving. Spinal cord conveys sensory information to/from brain to/from muscles. Central nervous system (cns): brain and spinal cord. Includes somatic nervous system and autonomic nervous system. --- sensory pathways: collection of fibers that carry specific sensory modalities. They carry information from one side of the body mainly to the opposite side of the brain. --- motor pathways: collection of fibers that carry information from the brain to body"s muscles. Side of brain sends information to opposite side of body.