RELIGST 2M03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Dalai Lama, Filial Piety, Buddhist Initiation Ritual

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Aokigahara: japan, trees around mount fuji (forest) that people use to commit suicide, high suicide rate. Atman: hinduism, true self, unalterable being that underlies each person, part of brahman, eternal soul, reincarnate until final reunion with brahman. Aztec death concepts and rites: sacrifice, death of soul, determined by the manner of death and not how one lived life, warriors and women who die during pregnancy go to god of sun. Bardo-thodol: tibet, buddhism, book of dead, guiding deceased consciousness, manual on how to die, ritual practice, recited in front of deceased person. Bodhisattva: buddhism, an enlightened beginning, person who has achieved nirvana but decides to stay back with humanity. Brahman: hinduism, unchanging reality, world soul, primordial of universe, all this will return one day, fulfill role and duty to unite with brahman, larger aspect, big god and universe. Calavera: mexican, aztecs, used as offering, candy skulls. Cancer villages: china, high rates of cancer due to highly industrialized areas.