RELIGST 3N03 Study Guide - King James Version, The Guardians Of Time, Positive Tone

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Allegory of the cave plato book 7. The one that goes out into the light was supposed to be socrates who was put to death by the people of athens. Christians from the early centuries always read plato with great sympathy and saw him and socrates as an almost-christian. Parallels between the parabllle of the cave and the man who had insight that no one else could see and what we see in john"s gospel and the figure of jesus. Comes from a world that they don"t understand and they end up putting him to death for it parallels jesus. Like john 7, john 8 (also takes place at the feast of tabernacles), there is no extended discourse by jesus in these chapters. Instead there is an extended debate back and forth between jesus and interlocketers who sometimes sympathetic and sometimes not sympathetic but are all throughout uncomprehending.