[SFWRENG 2AA4] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 60 pages long Study Guide!

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Could throw away midterm result if final is better. Input will never have its value changed; they will be entered into the function, but can"t be changed by the software. Constant is only an input to the design, but not a regular input. Output: values returned by the program; no value coming into the program. Updates (in/out): has the potential to change, but doesn"t necessarily need to change (e. g. x = x + 1); look out for a value with no change. Transitive closure [not on the exam] is a more mathematical approach. David parnas will not be on the exam. He describes the mathematics, but wassyng wants us to be stronger on the more practical side of things. An example of mathematical approach that we do need to know is pre & post conditions. a b a b a b. This is an intro to learning how to build something we"ll learn in the future, called pvs.