SOCIOL 2Q06 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Hopscotch, Liberal Feminism, Nuclear Family

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15: from chapter 4: documentary: hopscotch for little girls: how does family influence the ways in which gender roles are conceptualized. Global struggle for girls! (pick 2 cases: key assumptions of liberal feminism: goal of it and critique of it, bratz dolls: why are toys such a significant role in gender socialization, main determinants of girls and boys popularity. Family economy: the family was both a unit of production and a unit of consumption. Household labour needs, subsistence requirements, and family relationships constituted the family economy. Brought about a physical separation of private home palce and the public work place. Factors which can be seen as putting mothers on a pedestal: 5. the demise of the self contained/self sufficient househod (demise of the family economy) the segregation of the home from the workplace and the increasing dependence on the market resulting segregation of daily life into separate spheres. Increasing seclusion of women and children rise of domestic ideology.