SOCIOL 3D03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Collective Memory, Dual Loyalty, Masculinity

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A lot of and growing number of east indians in america - their cultures, values and belief are very different yet east indians are doing well and are able to assimilate well into society. American culture can impact marriage and family life of immigrants through media, norms, political values. These influence marital interaction, fam interaction, parenting behavior. Impact of us culture on family and life of east indian immigrants. East indian face a lot of acculturation stress their and their parents gender roles, values, morals shift and change and may cause tension. Selective adaptation to the value system of the host country degree to which immigrants adapt to america, while maintaining their own values and beliefs. Psych acculturation happens are indi level with attitudes, identities etc. How does one maintain their own traditions culture identity. How to participate in new culture: 4 general ways of adaptation: Don"t want to maintain own cultural identity.