SOCPSY 1Z03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Dependent And Independent Variables, Role Theory, Human Behaviour

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Human social behaviour all human behaviour has social components to it shaped by external forces or (cid:498)norms(cid:499) Systematic study of the nature and causes of human behaviour. Sociology: scientific study of the development, structure, and functioning of human society between individuals and groups and broader social structures: sociological social psychologists - interested in the relationship. Psychology scientific study of the individual and of individual behaviour: psychological social psychologists are concerned with individual behaviour and social stimuli. Social psychologists examine human behaviour and the social world by following a scientific method. Social psychology as a science subject to testing. Make systematic observations of behaviour and formulate theories that are sun but we thought sun goes around earth; relates to personal observations of other relationships. Sun vs. earth method personal observations that the earth goes around. Science systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the. Goes beyond observable facts by suggesting causal relations among variables.