SOCPSY 1Z03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Human Nature, Erving Goffman, Stanley Milgram

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Document Summary

Social psychology: the systematic study of the nature and causes of human social behaviour. Social psychologists are skeptical of personal experience as a means of understanding human behaviour. Sociology: the scientific study of the development, structure and functioning of human society. Psychology: the scientific study of the individual and of individual behaviour. A set of interrelated propositions that organizes and explains observations. General explanations for a variety of social behaviours in a variety of situations. Frame of reference for interpreting + comparing a wide range of social situations and behaviours. Much of observable social behaviour is people carrying out their roles (similar to actors following a role) According to role theory it is necessary to redefine ones role to change their behaviour. Role theory has difficulty explaining deviant behaviour or any behaviour that violates the norms. Does not explain deviant behaviour (because deviant behaviour opposes the idea that people are conformists)