SOCPSY 2YY3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Fritz Heider, Dispositional Attribution, Social Perception

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In social psychology, the term attribution has two primary meanings: the first refers to explanations of behaviour (i. e. , answers to why questions, the second refers to inferences or ascriptions (e. g. , inferring traits from behaviour) In both cases you"re assigning : in attribution as explanation you are assigning a cause to a behaviour/outcome, in attribution as an inference you are assigning something to the person who engaged in a behaviour. Covariation model (kelley: people gather information about how a person"s behaviour covaries, or changes, across time, place, actors, and targets of behaviour when they"re forming an attribution (either external or internal) Optimism bias/unrealistic optimism: people think they"re more likely to have a good outcome, or that they"re less likely to experience a negative event, can be unhelpful, e. g. , contraception use, can negatively affect self-esteem, defensive pessimism. False consensus/uniqueness: false consensus the tendency to overestimate the commonality of [our] opinions and.