SOCSCI 2HR3 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Port Moresby, Canada Labour Code, Air Traffic Controller

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Should a hang-over qualify for a sick day? (it(cid:859)s a p(cid:396)o(cid:271)le(cid:373) that (cid:272)osts ca(cid:374)adia(cid:374) o(cid:396)ga(cid:374)izatio(cid:374)s up to (cid:1006). (cid:1007)(cid:271) i(cid:374) (cid:373)issed da(cid:455)s a(cid:374)d lost productivity every year) The ministry of labour specifies that injuries and medical situations (cid:272)aused (cid:271)(cid:455) a(cid:374) e(cid:373)plo(cid:455)ee(cid:859)s o(cid:449)(cid:374) a(cid:272)tio(cid:374)s still (cid:395)ualit(cid:455) fo(cid:396) e(cid:373)e(cid:396)ge(cid:374)(cid:272)(cid:455) personal leave and gives the example of an individual getting drunk, falling down the stairs, and breaking their arm. Despite their role in the accident they still receive emergency leave. However, repetition and intention could lead to disciplinary action. Finally, if hangovers turn out to be related to alcoholism, employers have a duty to accommodate. This requires medical evidence, and most substance abuse related accommodation includes the employee receiving some form of treatment. Linked to the strategic needs of an organization. Hr strategies and tactics must be mutually consistent. Hr strategies need to be consistent with organizational priorities. 7 hr challenges in canadian organizations: (*consider the challenges *: economic.