ARTH 120- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 53 pages long!)

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30 Nov 2017

Document Summary

Arth 120: week 1 lecture notes (sept 12, 2017) Madonna enthroned, by giotto (1310: formal, regal, massive art piece, created for a church, has a great sense of weight, feels very heavy. Virgin and child, by duccio (1300: personal shows baby reaching for mother (a human action for a rather regal figure, small art piece, created for praying in one"s bedroom, light tone, no great sense of weight. Piet , by michelangelo (1498 / marble: only work he ever signed, compared to early edition created in wood. In marble piece, mary appears younger and has softer features, her face is less tortured, like she"s thinking back/mourning. In marble piece, mary"s lap is very disproportionate compared to her body, in order to support jesus" body. In wooden piece, jesus" head and legs hang freely, since wood has a stronger tensile strength than marble. In marble piece, mary and jesus appear overall kinder, like lovers .