BIOL 102- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 30 pages long!)

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Sum total of all chemical reactions that occur within an organism. 2 facts govern fate of chemical reaction. Many cells use atp to drive reactions in one direction. In theory, all reactions re reversible so cell makes sure reaction favours one way, cell uses this to change it. Covalent bonds in glucose store energy potential energy. Entropy: measure of disorder that can"t be harnessed to do work. Cells create ordered structures from less ordered materials. Organisms replace ordered forms of matter/energy with less ordered forms. Process is spontaneous perform work when moving towards equilibrium. Proceeds with a net release of free energy spontaneous thermodynamically favoured. Absorbs free energy from surroundings non spontaneous. Put energy into reaction for it to happen. If energy doesn"t come from sun, must come from chemical. To do work, cells manage energy resources by energy coupling. Use exergonic process to drive endergonic one. Hydrolysis of atp g"o = -30. 5 kj/mole.