[GNDS 280] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (11 pages long!)

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Most trans women who are not upper class are thought of to have a history in sex work. While there was a lot of talk about sex workers and about how they should be taken care of sex workers were driven out of the higher class neighbourhoods where they wee safer. This cased people to be able to harass and hurt them which made them ideal victims to serial killers and victims to attacks. They were able to do these attacks because there was a widespread cognation of their lives where they were seen as weak and not something that needed to be taken care of. Their lives became much more precarious and they were able to be sought out for and seen as targets. Striker attempts to give 150 years in 20 pages. She starts in 1900 eupoup with he development of the science of sexuality. She makes an intervention with charting the early sciences.