BMED 271 Study Guide - Final Guide: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, Baud, World Health Organization

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Health defined: health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not simply an absence of disease, some cultures believe that spirituality well-being contributes too. Medicine sweet grass tobacco cedar sage: health-promoting social conditions: health services, safe workplace, adequate housing, and nutritious foods, on april 7th, 1948, the world health organization (who) was formed. April 7th is world health day: on december 10th, 1948, the un adopted the universal declaration of human rights (udhr), who acts as the directing and coordinating authority for heath within the un system by: Articulating evidence-based policy options: resiliency is the extent to which one can realize aspirations, satisfy needs, and change with the environment. A resilient individual has the social support to help cope with job loss. A resilient individual has the emotional & mental capacities to deal with job loss.