HLTH 101 Study Guide - Comprehensive Final Guide: Toronto Star, Black Report, Global Health

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75 minutes of tutorials once a week. 7. 5 hours of online work and private study per week. Social determinants of health, by alan davidson (. 81) A healthy society, by ryan meili (. 85) You can have two attempts for each quiz best mark counts for grade. Final is similar to the quiz"s in the fact that its all multiple choice. All quiz"s are available for a week after the lecture they are then closed. Important to come to health tutorials having done all the readings. Keep a definitions chart for all definitions from the readings that i might not understand from the beginning. Online grammar tutorials (5 in total) 2% Tutorial writing, activities and quizzes 22% In class quizzes (using top hat) 2: novel essay thesis statement and outline 10, novel final essay 20% To do now start reading ragged (first 181 pages by week 3 tutorial) Grammar and writing mini-quizzes on moodle (closing october 13)