POLS 262 Final: POLS 262 Winter Exam

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Economic nationalist/mercantilist perspective (realism in ir theory) krasner, gilpin, strange. Critical approach marx, lenin, robert cox, gramsci. Liberalist perspective keynes, hayek, keohane, joseph nye. States are not unitary actors but are influenced by non-state actors such as ngos, ingos, mncs, and firms and skeptical economic nationalists believe that globalization is a myth and the real power of the state still exists. There is limited amount of wealth in the world; states must secure its interest by blocking economic interests of others; state is a. Tncs are beneficial and harmful, international institutions are not very significant, importance of a dominant state (hegemon) Tncs are beneficial, international institutions are significant, and importance of post-hegemonic cooperation. Tncs are exploitative, international institutions serve interests of the wealthy, international economic relations is (cid:494)zero-sum(cid:495) Interdependence ( peace and prosperity) rather than anarchy, trade is mutually beneficial, believes in comparative advantage.