PSYC 215 Study Guide - Final Guide: Semicircular Canals, Olfactory Bulb, Olfactory Receptor

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Sensory information undergoes processing before it is perceived. Nature of sensation depends on which fibers stimulated not how. Ratio of jnd and absolute intensity of stimulus is constant. Linking: causal link between neural activity in brain and perceptual experience. Gap: inability to explain how physical properties give rise to perceptual experience. No relay in the thalamus, direct projection into forebrain. Learned preferences for odors, long lasting odor memory. Bring information from sense organs to brain, control muscles, connected to glans or organs. Receptor adaptation: occurs after continuous exposure to odor, receptors stop responding and detection ceases. Cognitive habituation: after long-term exposure one is no longer able to detect that odor. Cilia: hairs on dendrites of orns, contain receptor sites for odorant molecules. Olfactory receptor: region on cilia of orns where molecules bind. Cribriform plate: bony structure with tiny holes which separates nose from brain, axons from. Orns pass through tiny holes to enter the brain/olfactory nerve.