PSYC 221 Study Guide - Final Guide: Verbal Behavior, Cognitive Revolution, Behaviorism

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Chapter 10: visual imagery: mental imagery: experiencing sensory impression in absence of sensory input, visual imagery: type of mental imagery involving vision, in which image is experienced in absence of visual stimulus. Analog (yes) vs propositional theorists (no: analogous researchers argue images similar to pictures because crossing images take time. Imagery and perception: do they share the same mechanisms: mental scanning: process of mental imagery in which person scans mental image in mind, kosslyn asked participants to memorize picture of object, create image of object in mind. Images like picture in head, tied to sensory info, concrete: propositional representation: Images epiphenomenal, propositions are abstract statements about objects & relationships between objects ball is on the box = on (ball, box) Idea of shared mechanisms follows from all parallels & interactions between perception. Imagery used to train professional athletes & beginners across a number of sports: experiments on imagery have shown effects on performance & motivation both with immediate.