PSYC 333 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Human Sexual Response Cycle, Labia Majora, Pubic Hair

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Document Summary

Sexuality information and education council of the united states/canada (siecus/sieccan) definition. Health protection branch of health canada definition. The way you feel about other people. Ethical: ideals, religious beliefs, moral opinions and actions, values. Biological: reproduction, birth control, sexual arousal and response, growth and development, physiological cycles and changes, physical appearance. Cultural: family, neighbors, peers, school, law, media, community. Psychological: emotions, experience, self-concept, motivation, attitudes, behaviors. Inish beag: island off the coast of ireland: repressed, no knowledge of sexual activities, no sex education, menstruation and menopause are feared. Menopause said to be able to cause anxiety: intercourse is bad for health, nudity is not tolerated, premarital sex is virtually non-existent, as is foreplay; female orgasm is deviant. Historical views attribute to why people are shy about talking about masturbation these days. Even till today, this remains a very personal question/topic that people are not very open to talking about.