[CLD 241] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (28 pages long!)

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To compare a medical perspective and a social perspective of disability and. Medical model: an approach to understanding disabilities that individualizes and pathologizes a disability as a biological impairment, a deficit, or a dysfunction residing within the person (pg. Using the term disability aligns educators and those working with young children with an international movement for inclusion (dec/naeyc, 2009; who & unicef, 2012). Internationally, education systems have no adopted this language that addresses the systematic, attitudinal and access issues that are important in understanding inclusive environments . Established risk children with a diagnosed medical disorder of known etiology such as children born with cerebral palsy, down syndrome, spina bifida, microcephaly etc. Environmental risk children whose life experiences and/or environmental conditions are so limiting or threatening that the likelihood of delayed development exists. Risk factors include extreme poverty, child abuse, absence of adequate shelter and medical care etc.