CRM 205- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 33 pages long!)

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Sex: socially constructed categories based on culturally accepted biological attributes (chromosomes, genitalia, reproductive organs, hormones). Sexualities: a broad term that encompasses a range of concepts, ideologies, identities, behaviours and expressions related to sexual personhood and desire. Law is a social construct, and it affects our lives on a daily basis. Consider present-day debates about privacy and security, and how laws should be framed, formed and implemented to protect both privacy and security. Lived experiences of gender and sexuality not only vary from individual to individual, but historically and culturally. Gender is one of the most important social distinctions. Theories about gender difference attempt to identify the major processes and social structures that give rise to differences and inequalities between men and women. Analyze how gender inequalities are also tied to race, class, sexuality, citizenship, and so on . Perspectives are shaped by biases, and we all have biases (becker, 1967)