FSN 132 Study Guide - Screen Printing, Life-Cycle Assessment, Ponytail

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Eco fashion usually gets a bad name, Needs to be a change for what it actually is shouldn"t it be so black and white, should always be incorporated. Peter rams braun designer thinks environment should always be considered when dsigning. What is sustainable fashion? fair trade, ethical fashion, conscious fashion, environmentally friendly etc there is no concrete definition right now. 3 concepts that need to be considered: environmental, social, economical. Why sustainable fashion? fashion is one of the largest industries globally. Development of fast fashion everyone can afford it etc, you don"t have to wait until clothes are broken to buy one increased consumption perceived obsolescenc. Birth of mass production started because of clothing and textiles mechanical looms first factories lowered cost of textiles paper pattern home sewing machine department stores and malls. Disposable limited rapid style turnover new styles weekly. A lot of stores put out clothes quicklty so you have to buy than or not at all yess.