FNN 100- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 45 pages long!)

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Document Summary

September 6, 2017: nutrition: the science of the actions of foods, nutrients and other substances within the body (including the social, economic, cultural, and physiological implications of food and eating ingestion, digestion, absorption, transport, metabolism, and excretion. Preferences, habits, heritage, social interactions, availability, emotions, body weight and image, age, health benefits, location, time, gender. Income and social status: distribution of wealth, degree of control over life circumstances. Interpreting information such as a food label: employment/working conditions: meaningful, stable work & healthy environment. Stable work can keep people healthy, high risk jobs can influence a persons health: social environments: e. g the strength of networks within a community, region, province or country. If someone has a support group in a time of need there may be people in that time that can assist in need: physical environments: air & water quality, housing, community safety, access to food stores and parks.