FNN 200 Study Guide - Final Guide: Leukotriene, Weight-Bearing, Catecholamine

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Week 10: nutrient related to bone and tooth formation. Includes: f, ca, vit d, vit a, ph, mg, vit k. Synthesis of bone tissue: organic tissues (3 proteins) and mineralization (ca, ph) Osteoblast form bone tissue, synthesize collage (give flexibility to bone), add mineral crystals (bone mineral matrix, maintains the rigidity of bone: bone tissues start off as underdeveloped osteoclast and osteoblast activity. Vit a, d are critical to process of differentiation, mg affects cell growth: vit a is the most critical vitamin, it differentiates bone cells. Remodeling= ongoing turnover and repair of microfractures vit k, a) Physical rest, lack of weight bearing (space travel) causes bone loss. Regulates gene expression in nucleus to influence cellular differentiation and embryonic bone development. Ul is 3k mg per day (in form of retinol) Vitamin a is a fat soluble vitamin important for eyes, skin, and cellular differentiation in embryo for the tissues of bone and skin.