GEO 108 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: The Shock Doctrine, Radical Change, Sub-Saharan Africa

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Sustainability and the poverty of nations: what is the new climate economy according to the global commission on. Tragedy of the commons refers to an economic theory of a shared- resource system in which members act independently according to their own self-interest against the common good and deplete resources through their collective actions. Climate change will lead to financial crisis. Unless more leading countries do more to ensure their companies come clean about current emissions. Precautionary principle - a new product/process with unknown effects should be resisted *avoid harm. De-coupling from the environment: separation/disengagement from environment what needs to happen for the paris climate agreement to take effect, according to the world resources institute"s website. 55 parties representing atleast 55% of global emissions must join. Nationally determined contributions, or ndcs -- will require countries to develop innovative policies, legislative and institutional frameworks, assess what resources they need and what financial sources they can use to bring their plans to life.