GEO 108 Study Guide - Final Guide: 2005 World Summit, Global Marshall Plan, Hans Rosling

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Rate of natural increase = (birthrate - death rate) * 10. Overall population increase: similar to natural increase except overall growth also considers migration not just births and deaths. Fertility rates: (# of live births/# of women aged 15 to 45 years) x 1000. A push factor is a reason for migration that relates to the area the person comes from - something that is pushing them out of an area. Examples of push factors include economic factors, like a lack of economic opportunity and jobs. Mexicans and central americans to the united states. A pull factor is a reason that migration relates to that area- something that is attracting them to that destination. Examples of pull factors are: an area being economically prosperous- having lots of jobs or large amounts of freedom- this makes it a haven for people trying to escape religious or cultural persecution. This can be accidental but sometimes areas advertise themselves as encouraging migration.