GEO 108 Study Guide - Final Guide: Natural Capital, Child Mortality, Gender Equality

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Different economic measures: measure of economic wealth (mew) Developped in 1972 by nordhaus and tobin. Serves as a basis for many other measures of economic welfare. Provides weighted average for 4 main components: wealth, consumption, poverty/unemployment, inequality: genuine progress indicator (gpi) Takes into account different kinds of capital. Takes into account resource depletion, pollution, defensive expenditures, cost of recovery/disaster, gdp and more. Been used in australia and atlantic canada. Takes into account defensive expenditures, domestic work, and environment. In addition it tries to display the inequalities of economic distribution: human development index (hdi) Takes into account 3 main areas: standard of living, knowledge and health: happy planet indicator (hpi) Revolves around resources: gross national happiness (gnh) Tries to protect environment, share prosperity and protect culture. Cultures and countries pushing social, economical, cultural and politically into other countries with increasing influence. Countries work together by exchanging to benefit themselves. Refers to the contrast between globalization and localization.