GEO 793 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Distillery District, John Graves Simcoe, Toronto Purchase

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They are closely related because they impact each other. Cities have always faced these 3 issues but the concern at present is environmental sustainability. Pollution (nimby mentality, governments haven"t taken a strong leadership role) Unevenness: pertains to rising inequality both within and between cities. Smaller middle class because of more trade unions, economic globalization, and less well paid manufacturing employment. Because of several decades of below-replacement birth rate, only urban regions will be able to maintain/increase their population (through immigration) and its still possible large cities will lose population. Uncertainty: refers to the instability generated by intensification of economic competition, which propelled by globalization is a source of increased risk for the numerous economic sectors facing international competition. This means frequent changes in employment and with rising fuel costs and declining wages, many may have to reduce their consumerist lifestyles. Part 1 - 6 properties to define the city (page 10 has great chart)