GMS 724 Final: GMS 724 - Chapter 1- Why Intnl Business Differs from Domestic

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Chapter 1 - why international business differs from domestic. Business: conditions in a company"s external environment that may affect its international operations, smart companies don"t form or develop the means to implement international strategies without examining these conditions and organized into the following categories: Physical factors (such as a country"s or geography or demography) Social factors (such as its politics, law, culture, and economy. Competitive factors (such as the number and strength of a company"s suppliers, customers, and rival firms. In examining these categories, we delve into the realm of the social sciences, which helps in explaining how external conditions affect patterns of behaviour in different parts of the world. Liverpool football club is taxed and which nationalities of people it employs: meanwhile, u. s. law determines how and when the earnings from the operation are taxed in the united states. International law---in the form of legal agreements between countries--- determines how earnings are taxed by all jurisdictions.