GMS 724 Study Guide - Final Guide: Protestant Work Ethic, Work Motivation, Materialism

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Chapter 4 - behavioural practices affecting business: part 3. Work motivation: motivated employees are normally more productive than those who aren"t, on an aggregate basis, of course, this influences companies" efficiency and countries" economic development. The productivity/leisure trade-off: some cultures place less value on leisure time than others, their people work longer hours, take fewer holidays and vacations, and generally spend less time and money on leisure activities. In a study of oecd (fairly high-income) countries, france and the united. States offered an example of contrast: the french has 30 days mandated vacation, spend on average 135 minutes per day eating and drinking and 530 minutes sleeping, whereas. Americans had no mandated vacations and spent only an average of 74 minutes per day eating and drinking and 518 minutes sleeping. Success and reward across borders: performed in different countries, the same tasks come with different rewards for success, and different consequences for failure.