GMS 724 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Travel Visa, Execution Unit

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Chapter 7 - major regional trading groups - eu: part 3. Eu as described above: the difference between the eea and the expansion of the eu is that the. How to do business with the eu: implications for corporate strategy: the eu is a tremendous market in terms of both population and income---one that companies cannot ignore. Mnes, in three ways: determining where to produce. One strategy is to produce in a central location in europe to minimize transportation costs and the time it takes to move products from one country to another. However, the highest costs are in central europe: determining whether to grow through new investments, through expanding existing investments, or through joint ventures and mergers. Mergers and acquisitions have really picked up in europe. The market is still considered fragmented and inefficient compared with the united states, so most experts feel that mergers, takeovers, and spinoffs will continue in europe for years to come.