LAW 122 Study Guide - Final Guide: No Liability, Vicarious Liability

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You have decided to take rye 245 next term. A colleague, dave, took the course last term. You ask dave if he knows whether the same textbook will be used in rye. 245 and, if so, whether you could purchase his used text. Dave tells you that yes, the same textbook will be used in rye 245 and he agrees to sell you his used book. In actual fact, students taking rye 245 next term will use a new text, a different one from the text used by dave"s class. Dave knew that the text would not be the same: the professor made an announcement in class and later personally confirmed this information with dave. He had this information when you asked him about the textbook. In this case yes you can sue. Suppose that you have already paid dave for the text. This would be different because you would not have suffered a loss.