LAW 122 Study Guide - Final Guide: Professional Negligence In English Law, Product Liability, False Imprisonment

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A tort is a failure to fulfill a private obligation imposed by law. Even if you do not know about the tort, you are still in the wrong since you should know the law. Tortfeasor a person who commits a tort. Tort law includes almost every sort of private law wrong outside of breach of contract. Social purpose: tort law discourages people from committing private wrongs by requiring them to compensate and restore the wronged party. You just have to pay a fee, however torts can also be considered against the law in which you can also go to jail. Committing battery by shoving someone or throwing something on another"s person"s lawn. This includes assault, battery, false imprisonment, trespass to land, interference with chattels, conspiracy, intimidation, interference with contractual relations, unlawful interference with economic relations, and deceit. When harm is caused carelessly, such as when a medical team accidentally amputates the wrong limb of a patient.