NSE 11A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Body Image, Cognitive Dissonance, Identity Formation

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Feeling and experiencing" self sensations allows one to experience self as a sexual being. I look like i haven"t slept : 2. Developing self, i. e. erikson"s developmental stages p & p (2019) p. 358-9: know they are broken into these categories -- know this pretty well then ** Birth-1 yo = trust vs. mistrust-: baby is focusing on who they can trust vs they cannot trust -- geared towards survival ( who"s going to feed me who can i trust) 12-20 yo = identity vs. role confusion: aspirations -- uncertainty of what to do -- where to go. Perceiving self, i. e. johari window roy (2009) p. 328 -: johari window open. The moral-ethical- spiritual self includes the belief system and an evaluation of who one is in relation to the universe: describe erikson"s theory of identity formation and the ascending stages of ego development.