NSE 12A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Upper Respiratory Tract Infection, Urinary Tract Infection, Human Microbiota

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Week 2- exploration of self: define self-concept and self esteem. Self concept an organized network of ideas, feelings, and actions that every person has a consequence of experiences and interactions with other people (parents being the most important in the development process) How a person thinks about themselves, a subjective sense of self and a complex mixture of conscious and unconscious thought, attitudes, and perceptions. Self esteem reflects the degree to which one feels valued, important, or satisfied with the concept of self. Self-esteem is an emotional process of self-judgment, an orientation to the self, ranging on a continuum from feelings of self-efficacy and respect to a feeling of being fatally flawed as a person. Self-esteem is subjective and develops from individual"s perceptions of their personal being and achievements. Self-esteem stems from self-concept, and self-esteem influences self-concept. Self-concept is a descriptive term, whereas self-esteem is an evaluative term: illustrate how self-concept and self-esteem affect communication.