NSE 13A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Pulse Oximetry, Human Body Temperature, Hemoglobin

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Week 6 objectives: integrate relevant anatomy and physiology, outline subjective questions and incorporate any developmental and cultural considerations into your assessment, verbally report and document vital signs in an accurate, concise way on a graphic sheet and ipr. Temperature, oxygen saturation: identify normal ranges for temperature. Normal core body temp range btwn 36. 5-37. 5 c(afebrile) The normal oral temperature is 35. 8 37. 3 c: identify factors that affect temperature and identify methods of taking a temperature and provide rationale for each temp influenced by fever ( infection), physical activity, age. Methods include axillary, oral, rectal and temporal. For small children, rectal is most accurate. Use axillary or temporal if oral cavity is obstructed or has the risk of being obstructed. Use oral if the pt is conscious so they can take the directions and don"t choke on the probe: identify safe practices with respect to the use of thermometers.