NSE 21A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Heterosexuality, Homophobia, Future Orientation

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Personal characteristics - how you personally react with stressor. Problem focused strategies - cognitive method in order to find solutions to the problem. Heterosexism belief that heterosexual relations is assumed, preferred and normal - any alternative form of union or relation is considered as other or deviant. A perceived unfavourable attitude from an individual or group. Label is attached and the individual is discredited by others for being viewed as deviant and inferior from the norm. Discrimination by others when attempting to assume a normative role. Seeking care less from hcp d/t fear of stigma. Unmet health care needs and lack of appropriate risk-related screenings. Heteronormativity (normalization of heterosexual relations) along with heterosexuality being interwoven in culture and society. Interpersonal relationships with others who are in an influential social position. Perceived social norm of mental illness as deviant and unacceptable by social rules and sanctions. Different person of the devaluation associated with the label.